
The highest and in many way most spectacular mountain range in the world


The Himalayas are unparalleled for their huge aspect, and their unique human culture. As a mountain range, the Himalayas are unparalleled.

Himalayas Review


The Himalayas are the abode of the snow. And they're the dream of lovers of mountains. Not only are they huge, but the culture of Nepal, north India, Pakistan and the part of Tibet that has not been destroyed by the Chinese Communists is outstanding. Everything about the Himalayas is a fascinating adventure...



Himalayas - Abode of the Snows - No where on Earth are the mountains as dominant part of the landscape as the mountain range of the The Himalayas. Where India butts up against mass of Central Asia, the Himalayas continue to rise at a relatively fast geologic rate. So, every year Mt. Everest gets even higher.

Some of the best, in fact perhaps the very best trekking of anywhere is to be found here. Nepal has an extensive mountain trekking system. It's great because most people in the mountains have no choice here - they must walk to get from one place to another.

Himalayas and Culture

The Himalayas - a living museum - As spectacular as the mountains are, the one thing that makes this place even better is the mountain culture that still exists in the Himalayas.

As you make your way along the Himalaya trails in Nepal and in other countries of this region, you'll be partaking in a culture that has existed for hundreds of years, or even longer. Some is still uncorrupted by modern Western influences. If you don't know what that means, you will when you go there and enjoy the Himalayas experience. It is, one would say - profound.

Trails in the Himalayas

Trails and Buddhists in the Himalayas - Trails abound everywhere in the Himalayas. From the lowlands where rice grows along with tropical fruits such as bananas, oranges and more exotic local specimens. Further up, one runs into the temperate forests. And then in the high country it's rock, ice, snow and wind - the abode of the snows, as it's called.

All of the Himalayas make for an excellent adventure. You'll be in the heart of an area that has been a fertile ground for religions. Hindus tend toward the lower elevations of the Himalayas. Buddhists inhabits the higher areas. Local Muslims live all over, and dominate some areas such as Pakistan. It all makes for a fascinating landscape..

Yeti in the Himalayas

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